(1) MARY, you are the Mother of our Savior because you brought forth Jesus Christ who has redeemed us. The angel said to Joseph, "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus; for he shall save his people from their sins" (Matt. 1,20). What happiness to have Jesus as our Savior! We were all sinners, burdened with the guilt of original sin and countless actual sins. It was not in our power to free ourselves from this weight of sin, for we were unable to render due atonement to divine justice. Left to ourselves, nothing remained for us but to live and die in sin and to be eternally rejected. Your Son redeemed us from the terrible slavery of Satan and from eternal damnation. What love and veneration we owe you for having given birth to the Savior of the world! (2) MARY, your loving Son has acquired for us most precious graces and reconciled us with God. As sinners we had brought down upon ourselves God's displeasure. Jesus rendered full satisfaction for the injuries we offered to God; now the heavenly Father admits us again to His love and friendship, and we can look up to Him with confidence and say, "Our Father." You Son has opened for us the gates of heaven that had been closed against us. He has merited for us the graces we need to live a holy life and to save our souls. In the holy Sacrifice of the Mass the merits of His bloody sacrifice on the cross are applied to my soul, in the Holy Sacraments I am cleansed from sin, justified and sanctified; indulgences blot out my temporal punishments; the rich treasure of the merits of the saints are for my benefit. Mother of Our Savior, thank my loving Jesus for the great graces He has won for me. Since Jesus redeemed me from sin, obtain for me the grace of forgiveness for them. Make me truly penitent and sincerely determined to amend my life. Never allow me to be overcome by temptation lest I again become the slave of the devil. (3) MARY, you cooperated in the work of our redemption. I could have no Savior if you had not become the Mother of God. You knew what to expect should you assume the responsibility of divine Motherhood, but you made this sacrifice because you most ardently desired the redemption of man. You also consented to the death of your own Son for love of us, and this love made you strong enough to stand erect in a sorrow which pierced your motherly heart like a sword. Like the heavenly Father you, too, have given your only Son for the redemption of the world. You are still most active in applying to us the fruits of redemption. You do all that your power and love can do, in order to gain souls for your Son. Teach me to be a missionary together with you in saving souls through my good example, my prayers, and my sacrifices. Mother of Our Savior, through your intercession with your Son, who died for my soul, obtain for me the grace I need to make good use of the Sacraments and prayer, to overcome sin, to fulfill the duties of my state of life, to keep the commandments of God, and to persevere to the end. Mother of my Savior, save me. Lord Jesus Christ, our Mediator with the Father, You made Your Mother, the Most Blessed Virgin, our Mother also and Mediatrix with You; mercifully grant that everyone who comes to ask You for favors, may be gladdened by having received all through her intercession. Who live and reign forever. Amen. (Feast of Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces, May 31) |
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