(1) MARY, your loving Son Jesus calls Himself the Light of the World, "I am the light of the world. He who follows me does not walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8,12). The Church calls Him the Sun of Justice. As the morning star precedes the sun, announcing the dawn of day, so you precede Christ, the Sun of Justice, announcing the day of salvation. Through your coming, blessed Morning Star, the whole world was enlightened. You were truly the bright Morning Star of that blissful day when the world saw the divine Sun of its redemption arise upon it. You withdrew during the public life of Jesus, when like the sun He gave light by word and deed. But when the Sun of Justice went down, you again appeared as the Evening Star, for I behold you on Calvary standing under the cross of your Son. Even now, after our divine Savior has withdrawn His visible presence and is enthroned in heaven at the right hand of His Father, you shine in the Church as a friendly Star whose radiant fight will never more be extinguished till the end of time. (2) MARY, you are greater than all the angels and saints, as the morning star excels all other stars in size and beauty. The saints are friends and servants of God, but you are His Mother. You also surpass the angels and saints in the splendor of your sanctity. Since you possess the highest dignity among all creatures it is fitting that you should also possess the greatest degree of sanctity. As the morning star receives its light from the sun, you possess your sanctity not of yourself, but from God. God sanctified and preserved you from every stain of sin from the first moment of your conception. It was He who watched over you through your whole life and preserved you from the least fault. It was He who strengthened you to overcome every temptation and to walk with perseverance on the path of virtue. You had to acknowledge with the Apostle Paul: "By the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace in me has not been fruitless" (1 Cor. 15,10) As the morning star shines by the light which it derives from the sun and which it reflects, you eagerly received the graces which God imparted to you so richly, and you faithfully made use of each grace for the salvation of your soul. It was this constant cooperation with grace that enabled you to attain the highest degree of sanctity. (3) MARY, as the morning star is a welcome sight to those who sail on the sea as well as to those who travel on land, so also are you a source of hope to those who call upon you amid the tempests of the heart, the storms of the mind and the senses. I have been saved through the mild splendor of that cherished Star. Help me to honor you by a life pure as the unchanging rays of your light! Blessed Morning Star, when I find myself tossed about by storms in the current of this world, teach me to turn my eyes to your brightness. When winds of temptation arise, I want to look up to you and call upon you. When I am tossed about by the whisperings of pride or ambition or envy; when anger, avarice, or evil desires trouble my mind, let me turn to you. When frightened at the greatness of my sins, or terrified with the dread of the future judgment, or feel discouraged-in dangers, in difficulties, and in doubts, I want to think of you, lovely Morning Star, and invoke your intercession. Let your name never depart from my mouth or heart. And that I may obtain the benefit of your prayers, let me imitate the example of your life. While you support me, I cannot fall; while you protect me, I cannot fear; while you guide me, I cannot feel tired. And if you are kind to me, I will arrive in safety at the port of heaven. Grant this, I pray, for the love of your dear Son, Jesus Christ. PRAYER Lord Jesus Christ, Good Shepherd, Who gave Your life for Your sheep, and Who when dying on the Cross entrusted to the Virgin Mary the sheep of Your pasture, grant that through her intercession we may on earth follow You, our Shepherd, and so be led to the heavenly pastures of life everlasting. Who live and reign forever. Amen. (Feast of Our Lady, Mother of the Good Shepherd, Sept. 3) |
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