You knew no more important concern, no greater happiness than to serve Him and to act according to His will. Your heart was constantly turned toward God; He was the only object of all your wishes, your hopes and your love. Your life was consecrated to His service. Even in your most tender years, you offered yourself as a sacrifice to God and were ever intent upon walking in His holy fear and love. Your understanding was constantly occupied in admiring His goodness and holiness; Your memory, in recalling His benefits. In your will you erected an altar upon which the fire of love burned continually, thus fulfilling your words to Elizabeth: "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior" (Luke 1,46). You also consecrated your whole body to God's service with unceasing and fervent devotion. (2) MARY, your devotion showed itself in love and fervor in prayer. No one has ever more perfectly complied with the words of our Savior that we should pray always and without ceasing. You practiced mental prayer, for the Gospel says of you: "Mary kept in mind all these words, pondering them in her heart" (Luke 2,51). There was scarcely a moment in which you did not think of God and silently offer up some prayer to Him. You had so great a desire to fulfill the will of God that you could say with your divine Son: "My food is to do the will of him who sent me" (John 4,34). You also loved vocal prayer. To do this more perfectly, you went to the temple when a child an(dwelt there among the virgins consecrated to Go until your fourteenth year. Each year you made the long journey to Jerusalem in order to pray in the temple. With what fervent devotion you must have said your family prayers! After the Ascension of your Son you were with the apostles in the upper room of Jerusalem and persevered in one mind with them in prayer until Pentecost. Prayer to your Eucharistic Son was the heart and soul of your life after His Ascension into heaven. Praying, you departed this life your last breath was the most ardent expression of that devotion which inflamed your loving heart. (3) MARY, you communicate to other souls the fervor of devotion which burns in your own heart. How many prayers are said in your honor throughout the world! Who can number the Rosaries that are recited? Singular Vessel of Devotion, help me to under. stand that true devotion does not consist in sweet sentiments or pious actions, but in the perfect love of God and the faithful performance of His holy will Help me to make a complete sacrifice of myself to God as you did; help me to use the faculties of my soul and body only to do what is right, good, and pleasing to God. I ask that you help me to raise my heart often to God in prayer as you did. Let me seek your intercession and venerate you with a tender affection, that you may take me under your powerful protection in life and in death. O God, You sent the Holy Spirit to Your Apostles who were united in prayer with Mary, the Mother of Jesus; grant us that, protected by this same Mother of ours, the Queen of Apostles, we may be mad worthy to serve Your Divine Majesty faithfully and proclaim Your glory by word and example. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. (Feast of Our Lady Queen of the Apostles, Sat. after the Ascension) |
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