(1) MARY, your dignity is higher than that of the angels. Angels are God's servants, but you are the daughter of the heavenly Father, who chose you to become the Mother of His Son. You are the Spouse of the Holy Spirit. Even an Archangel bowed before you and greeted you reverently, "Hail, full of grace." No dignity can be compared to that of being the Mother of God. No angel could ever say to the Son of God, "You are my Son." Because of this dignity the Church places you above all the angels and calls you their Queen. The angels stand before the throne of God with fear and trembling, covering their faces, while you approach and pray for the human race to Him who was born of you and calls you by the sweet name of Mother. (2) MARY, you were more favored by God than all the angels. If God gives His graces to everyone according to his particular vocation, what measure of grace corresponds to the dignity of Mother of God? You received such a fullness of grace that you approach nearest to the Author of grace. You were considered worthy of cooperating in the work of our redemption, for upon your consent depended the Incarnation of the Son of God. The angels were but messengers of the work of redemption, but you were the Mother of the Redeemer. The angels assemble around you in the greatest reverence and exclaim as the Jews of old did to Judith: "Thou art the glory of Jerusalem; thou art the joy of Israel; thou art the honor of our people" (Judith 15,10). (3) MARY, you can and really do accomplish more for our salvation than the heavenly spirits. You have greater power because you are the Mother of God, while the angels are only His servants. You are our Mother, while the angels are our friends and brothers of ours in the family of God; hence you love us more tenderly. Queen of Angels, help me to imitate the angels by being as eager as they are to do God's will and to serve mankind. Let me ever consider them as my best friends and protectors, who want to help me save my soul. I want to be grateful especially to my guardian angel who never wearies in his faithful care. Lord Jesus Christ, You have given us Your Mother Mary that she might be our Mother of Perpetual Help, whose beloved image we venerate; grant, we beg of You, that by earnestly imploring her motherly help, we may deserve to enjoy at all times the blessings of Your Redemption. Who live and reign forever. Amen. (Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, June 27) |
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